Sneak Peak from 'Dancing with the Mystery' Project

So here is the photoshoot from 'Dancing with the Mystery' clip project~
All photos taken by Paolina Soewandi from CnM.Photography.
Though the trip was fullfilled with the smell of 'karbit' baloon, super sexy weather, couple times lost way, but... Finally we could reach up the location, well enough and..... I'm sooooo happy with the result of these vintage pics! Can't wait for the video version!

 Dancing Dancing Dancing with the Mystery~

 Cycling cycling cycling~
 Can't stop giggle like elementaries~

Fields of Gold
 Mickey: "Len, gayanya yang feminim n kalem ya kali ini!"
Valen: "I'm in the toooop of the world!!"
 *butuh perjuangan ekstra untuk bisa naik di atas dahan ini!

This should be the climax of this shoot, the scene of releasing the baloons...
But the wind didn't cooperate with me!
It blew the baloon to the right, not to the up!!!!

on my way back home~

 Bye Bye Mystery~
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. jadi melambangkan apa merelease balon itu?

  3. loveee this
    the setting, the props, the model and the photographer plus the photo editor!!! :)

    cant wait to see the clip!

  4. @jos: you should listen the song directly and interpret by yourself. :)

    @blue: thanks!!! :D The photographer plus photo editor is one of the best! hope the video editor finish that a.s.a.p!

  5. >Blue - you haven't heard the song!

    >Valen - speechless! this is super cool!

  6. @alvin: i knoooww you'll like this colour style! vintageeee!!!! and i bet you haven't seen this post while you're working yesterday's photo clip. :p

  7. @jak : iya belommm, km udah jak?? cuman udah baca sneak peak lirik2nya di foto2nya valen :) bener2 ngimin2!!!! hehehe

    @valen : really2 am waiting...ayoo kapan niiii releasenya? hehehehhe

  8. Halooo tunnn, ini adalah komen saya setelah kamu ke Jakarta lho. Aku suka warna foto ini. You look happy dan 'menatap masa depan dan meninggalkan masa lampau'. Good luck, Tun! Moga2 kamu di sana memperoleh orang2 yang bisa top up buat kamu. I will miss our time together..

  9. >Blue - Udah dong...uenak Leen..request Valen kirimin kamu by email aja :D

  10. Len, ayo.. videonya diupload di blog sini aja. Anyway, aku buka link youtube yang kamu BM kapan hari ok ga ada isinya, ya? :)

  11. @ blue, jak, eva: tuh link videonya. bisa dilihat di sana. sorry wireless inetnya belum kepasang, jadi blum bisa uplod juga. hehe

    @jess TUN: thanks tunn!! i'll miss u too, surely!


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