Decide your own Joy

*again, quoted from Inspired Faith...

Oh, there are some who will try to rob it from you through using hurtful words or slighting you in some other way. But they do not have the power to seize it. You can decide to let them take it—but that’s your choice, not their cunning.

There are some people who are so committed to killing joy wherever it is found that we might be wiser just to steer clear of them. But even in circumstances where there is no escape from the thief who wants to rob joy so that gloom can take root, you can still keep your joy by simply putting your eyes on the Author and Giver of joy, Jesus Christ.

Dear God, Your gift of joy makes life wonderful. 
Help me experience it and share it, 
no matter who would try to bring depression and gloom to my life and world. Amen.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
