the Wishy Washy Me

Oh no....
2 days ago, sure that the final decision is A

and than 1 days ago turn to B.

So damnn great....

What hapenned to me?


it's like i've lost my assertiveness...
i can't separate when i should follow my mind, instinct, or seriously..,
even God's word..

Never been take this long.. to decide something..
Well.. pretty big decision (for me).. so far..

Thanks for making me experiencing this, anyway..

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. at first, i want to make a "suit suit" stuff then i look to the label and there's no "love" there :D

    Good luck Len!

  2. hahaha... after reading ur comment, i re-read my posting and realize if ur assumption about 'suit-suit' is reliable...
    if that time come, i'll tell LLL, too!

    btw,thanks vin!

  3. Ha3. Thanks for dropping by my blog and make good use of the chatter box dear :) So glad to hear from you.

    I'm looking for the follow button, which I can't find anywhere in your blog :p

    Yea... I actually don't know what you're going through. But your writings they speak to me :) Feels really really connected and encouraged by it. Well, that's the beauty of blogging right? Knowing that you're not alone in what you're facing.

    Whatever you're into :) As weird as it sounds. You are in my prayers. You really are (I don't even know you :p)

  4. yea.. i don't even know you, too. :)
    thx to blogger who connecting us..

  5. Feb, how if u go to komsel so u will know u will imagine the right person when u pray for her...Hah? IS IT A GR8 IDEA??? LOL

  6. NICE IDEA vin!!!!!!
    setuju Feb!!!! (sok sok kenal, manggil FEb juga!)

    i also wanna meet you directly!


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