Because It's All About You

This morning i wake up. Not because of my snoozing alarm, but because an incident. Yang aslie bukan pekara penting banget (baca: sepele, tp mencerminkan keegoisan dan gak menunjukkan kedewasaan blas) menurutku.
Awalnya aku ga mau ikut terlibat, karena ini bukan terjadi pertama kalinya. Dan aku berharap dia akan sadar, menghentikan setiap omelannya, nada tingginya, dan berpikir jernih. Well, but it's not hapenned.

Dan itu bikin anggota keluarga yang lain jadi kalap kayak orang gila (again!). I've never seen he cried or felt desperate like that. He used to be a tough man, never showed his thought. But this morning he cried and said 'I have sicked and why still she act like that?'

I was brushing my teeth at that time. But while seeing his reaction, I (with mouth fulled with toothpaste) grab him to sit and cooling down. And then bang her door and shout, "SAY SORRY TO HIM NOW!!! GET OUT!!!!"
I don't know what i think or do. It's just, Emotion really drive myself.

And then, the rest of my family member come out. One of them take the control (thank God). At that time, i know that's officially her right to finish the stuff. I try to be calm. Water and piano works enough.

And then after they all gone. I go locked myself at room. I really need His WORD. And while looking of my daily reflection, i found out a suitable topic (actually it was yesterday's).

The Calm Heart

Here is some quote that really strengthen me. And sweeping my mind:

1 Peter 4: 7-11

Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.

If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Thank you for Your words.
It's clearing my own thought.
Thank you for reminding.
That at the end of these, it's really all about You.
Not about what i thought right.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. i wondered "what incident happened this morning" and now i know after read the post. Little confuse about (she/he) stuff...

    But, the great thing is how the WORDS perfectly cover the incident..It shows us how important to start a day with His words, thank u for sharing this =)

  2. 100% agree w u, sis. it's all about Jesus, not about us at all. in some ways we'll all learn that life is all about Jesus. So blessed :)

  3. @Jak: yes, i do making that he/she thing become confusing (as usual). ^^ Yes, the WORDS directly work at that moment. Strengthen me, and made me stand by HIS thought, not mine.
    @bee: Yes, i learn a lot from this, too. I have to pray for his/ her. I realized, I'm part of this family. And that's what i should do. Not just grumbling around and try to fix this with my own thought.

    THanks all guys!!

  4. ooo jadi sengaja dibuat membingungkan toh... hahaha... btw ayate memang mantab kok..

  5. iya ris.. u/ yg cerita2 gini dibuat bingung supaya g menebak2 siapa itu.. karena memang g penting tau siapa.. ^^

    yes.. ayatnya unpredictable but powerful... nendang sekali!!! ^^


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