Thanks Blogger, Anyway... *(edited)

Yea, i should say thanks to you..
It's another way of internal communication. Between me and myself.
The time to release what i've been through and at the end, to reflect, to think, and to be cool. Ended with a cool answer.

I don't know how can i be so productive. Hahaha.. i guess i've breaking my own record. 3 days *in a row :D* with almost 6 posting? Wow...

Sorry for leaving you a while, to facebook *notes. Hehe.. The 'tag' system maybe good for fun. But for this private talk, i prefer you, blogspot. Soooo private problems make my blogspot alive, huh? (Pasti alvin langsung seneng kampanye viva blogger nya sukses, :D)

At last,

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. Iya, kapan hari sampe mikir n geleng2:"semangat banget posting 3/4 post dalam satu hari"

    i 100% agree with ur all blogging statement and now I've succeed poison Ce Deb to make her blog lol...have u visit it?

    and ViVA blogger!!!!!!!

  2. sipp.. udah baca donkk.. tapi belum comment sih di c deb... aku sampe kaget.. sekarang PKS ku punya blog, trus vin kemarin dia ngajak aku chat di FB!!!!
    Gila gakkk.... serasa ingin mencubit pipiku dan besok bakal hujan es!!!!
    ---> kalo ce deb masih gaptek g bakalan isa baca komen iki.. hahahahahahah

    *yes viva blogger!!!! viva produktif!!!---> is it mean that i want more 'emotional' problem again? hahahahaha....

  3. oiya...
    @ c deb: (kalo kamu bisa buka commentku), terima kasihh atas revisi kata *3 hari berturut-turut yang ternyata bahasa inggrisnya *3days in a row... yeee habis ini setiap kali aku nulis (opo iki inggrise) ato (ada gak yo inggris iki), akan ada free walking thesaurus!!!!!
    --->yea, kalo kamu bisa baca komen ini... hahahaha

  4. sori y, sis... i can read ur comments lol
    well....dengan bantuan jak siy... hiks hiks


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