You Can't Hurry Love

I have just watched Runaway Bride (again) since 2000 something.
And as usual, watching the same movie after long time will make you learn another thing, deeper.
I guess that's because I've grewn up, better than 10 years ago? ;p
I felt I can understand different new things i can't do while i was 13 or 14 years old?
*the same thing i felt while i watch 'My Best Friend's Wedding' while I'm 13 years old and 18 years old. :p

Anyway, I find a really cool song. Couple times hear from radio, but take time seriously to google and download, just now.
Here's 'You Can't Hurry Love', a cool -version- of  Country Love Tunes, by Dixie Chicks.Originally Soundtrack from Runaway Bride.
You may download it here. Enjoy! :)


'You Can't Hurry Love '

I need love, love to ease my
I need to find, find someone to
call mine

But mama said 
you can't hurry love
No, you'll just have to
She said love don't come easy
It's a game of give and take
I can't hurry love, no, you
just have to wait
You've got to just, give it time
No matter how long it takes

But, How many heartaches must I
Before I find the love to let
me live again
Right now the only thing that keeps
me hanging on
When I feel my strength, yeah it's
almost gone

I remember mama said
You can't hurry love
No you'll just have to wait
She said love don't come easy
It's a game of give and take
How long must I wait, how much more
must I take
Before loneliness, will cause my
heart, heart to break?

No, I cant bare to live my
life alone
I grow impatient for a love to
call my own
But when I feel that I, I
can't go on
These precious words keep me
hangin' on

I remember mama said you can't
hurry love
No, you'll just have to
She said love don't come easy
It's a game of give and take
I can't hurry love
No, you'll just have to
She said just, 

give it time
No matter how long it takes,
gotta wait!

~I keep waiting, 
I keep on waiting~But it ain't easy 
(it ain't easy)

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. aaaaaaa.... lagunya menusuk hati koeee xD emang lagi nunggu waktunya Tuhan niiii kalo soal yg ini...ahahhahaaa!!! kadang2 biyung , trus gemes jugaa >,<

  2. me too.. me too .. ^^ and can't wait for this !!!

  3. @edo: hahaha... lucu loh lagu ini... topiknya gini tapi musiknya super ceria... pasti isa senyum2 kalo buat yang masi jomblo

    @T.Lady: hehee.. don't hurry siss! gotta wait the rite time! ;)


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