Is This Normal?

I know that sometimes things don't go smooth in life.
People do have conflict and misunderstanding.
And if we choose to end up well, we'll come closer than before.
So, there's nothing wrong with conflict.
THat's good.
That's healthy for us, who wanna deal that as an adult.
I don't mind with conflict, misunderstanding, or whatever things like that.
Never mind.

Just... have you ever felt.. that this.. become abnormal, while we just keep 'walking' around in the same area.
There is conflict, we try to reconciliate as an adult.
But, then, we are stop in the same place again.
Similar case, similar root, and similar exhaustion...

The question is: Is this still a normal part that will be passed and make me stronger than before?

Or it's time to..
Maybe it will be better if we just stop?
Because basically there are lot's of different 'basic' things between us?
Or in celebrities world it is called 'perbedaan yang tidak bisa lagi disatukan...'

I really don't wanna decide this emotionally.
Help me, God...

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. this is between man n woman or ?
    just keep it positive at your side... if it still happening when you already positive... so we know whose is wrong ^^
    and then decide whether you want it to continue or not ... ^^

  2. hmm.. i think it's not necessary between who with who?
    i'd prefer call this between human being and human being.

    is it fair, if i-myself, finally decide that i am rite? because people tend to justify themselves.. is that fair enough to be a basic to decide something?

  3. hihi ai valen... [keyla mode on]
    berat yo bahasanmu ^^
    it's fair enough i think...
    if you finally decide that you're right !
    coz if not, you just jalan di tempat -- what we call this in english? :( move nowhere? haha ^^

  4. " that fair enough to be a basic to decide something?..."
    -- i think word basic is not in the right place of its using... coz i had misinterpret your sentence... ^^ that basic refers to dasar then maybe foundation or base would be fit in...
    i don't know sih... ^^

  5. nggilani lo jo.. kamu manggil ai.. *aku isa merasa kayak ai2 pasar atum.. -.-
    huahahaha.. iya maksude based/ foundation itu kok.. sori.. bad english..
    fair enough? hum... then i'll consider about that..

  6. is this normal?


    but it is life

  7. hahahaha dengan adanya jos km g bs lagi pake uneducated english as usual, len huahahahaha

    kl mmg orgnya g bs ngerti2 y udah. itu urusan dy ma Tuhan. selama hatimu uda bener, y uda.

    :) semangat y!!!

  8. @bee: :'( uhuks.. iya... sekarang ada bapak patroli inggris... bye bye my uneducated style...

    thx y bee.. anywayy


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