The 1 that I Almost Forget

I never into much to that 1...

I mean.. It is just a date..
A day..

It just a symbol, sign, semiotics or whatever
to prove that you are older

Instead of

longer live
longer experience
longer learn
and *should be mature(r)

But for me,

At least.. I never forget that date or day lahh...

*But couple hours ago
I almost forget...
When a friend teasing me about that date (or day)
I keep thinking
"Come on!!! what another deadline or task must I do on that date?"

And oopss....

Oooh... I don't know what it's like in 'that day..'
THese deadlines, tasks, appointments, and et ceteras...
make me blink a while, reminding my truly deeply birthday wish:

"Finishing them well... Getting private time to evaluate and wish as always..."

Could I?

I am wishing myself a gift at that D-Day

Starting from now!

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. U could...i dont know all the code's definition (lol) but i believe u can do it!!

  2. Mbencekno lhoooo...aku tadi uda komen tp g masuk...
    Anyway, i've been waiting for ur new post and today u post it yeyyy!!
    quite surprised that someone could actually forgets his/ her day/ date/ whatever..
    well, good luck for ur thesis, sis:)


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