That (Some) Years Ago (Some) Thing

it was me in some years ago...

Today is some October 2009

That day is some month at some year. :D

I was like some ordinary girl with friends and youthful activities

He was like some ordinary man with friends and professional activities

We met at some another years before, in some ordinary place

And in some years we are in some ways have some kind of ship

I thought it wasn't as ordinary as some people do

Yes, we are separated with some factors, and a really some crucial factors

And i end those ship in some kind of ways
because i felt some kind wrong or weirdo with that ship

I felt some kind of feeling with him, though i know that he would never have the same because of some clearly reasons

and i know he've never seen me as some woman

i decide to forgive him for some kind of act he do hurt me

Lately in some time

I somehow know it wasn't just me who feel

it wasn't just some spontaneous joke he try to emphasis i was just some girl

It was beyond some reasons

to deal with some kind of weirdo feeling

Now it is some brand new experience for me

to know that there are some kind of ship

instead of the common friendhip, the real relationship
between some people

to realize that God has some real good reasons

in making some meeting with some different people

*I just find that my 'some' thing is similar with a film 'Lost in Translation' by Sofia Copolla
*well not that's extreme.. :D

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. I want to whistle "Suit...suitt...suittt.." but then i read that this writing is from Sofia Coppola hehehee..wondering who's "he"...( U n ce Deb like to use that word ("he/she", "someone") lately...

  2. wakakkakakakakakkakaka..... vin... when i read 'suit suit' i guess u've totally destroyed ur 'cool' image... (just as like felix destroy his by those kind of poses :p)

    well.. its not that Sofia Copolla extreme ways.. (btw i've decided to watch that film again...because couple years ago i didn't really get that film's feel)

    it's a real 'he', vin.

  3. oh vin.. i read ur comment twice.. that post is a real experience by myself.. but similar with 'lost in translation' by sofia coppola film... *i guess my last statement is bit confusing.. (edit ahh)

  4. jak, avoid suspicions and judgment about someone hehehe was really some experience with someone sometime ago hehe

  5. Ohh..then i will make the whistle,"suit...suitt!!!" LOL

  6. @ bee: but i guess some friends with some type of inteligence can interprete that some thing :D

    @jak: so you really have destroyed your cool image! (can u imagine people with gloomy face in ur blogger display pic do whistle?) lol nice one! it will be some gloomy whistle... wakakkakakka

  7. and in other day, I'll see...
    that'll be just the Same (Some) Years Ago (Some) Thing.


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