
Some says:
~If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.

I was the one who is very interested with that words.

But now
it doesn't 'taste' good
at all
looks like I'm worse than
the 'one mile' person
or even
the zero mile person

Is this 'wrong' thing is a real wrong thing
or still a 'good' thing at the end?

I'm tired with this 2 mile


  1. it still tastes good anyway :)

    i`ll go 2 miles with you, but not with strangers :D tht`s the point~

    you should know whom you are walking with, before decided to walk together :)

  2. hahaha.. really good point fel!

    so when will we go 2 miles together, huh?

    the vegetables residents?
    or some OY OY, inc. ?

    Really waiting for that time!
    come back soon!

  3. btw.. the 2 miles things aren't just about the things i've had with the strangers..

    it's totally mean about my life.. hope u know whad i mean


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