Recovery Day (Day 4)

It's the fourth day i'm in Spore, for a medical trip.
TOday at afternoon, my grandma will come here. She wanna check up her memorize ability, well psychological things. Well looks like i will spend my morning alone. Coz' my mom and my aunt will have fisiotherapy appointment at morning.

So i spend this morning with downloading (the speed is 180 kb/s, OMG!!!), chatting (as usual), sleeping, eating, and so on.

My grandma come a couple hours after my mom and my aunt come. My grandma bring many kinds of food. So many, exactly. Looks like i'm gonna gain my weight here.

At night, dad's friend take us again for another culinary trip. Now, i'm ready with my digicam.
The route is the same with 2 years ago. It's like deja vu

BaKuTeh-the biggest baikut i've ever eaten

Durian, 1 pcs is 50$.. OMG!!!! (still i don't like)

Rojak. I can't capture it, we takeaway this menu. But actually i find another interesting place in there.

Singapore's official Pool, a.k.a judi bola, completed with monitor competition scedhule, the bet rate, and the form.

And AN mini yet practical bicycle

Looks like... the capturing 'something unique' habit since journalistic photography last semestre is still taken until now.

well. it's good day.
it's my recovery day.


  1. kowe kapan mulih?
    mpe suroboyo kapan?

  2. minggu jreng. minggu sore. jam 4 an gituh.

  3. fiuh2... makannya.....

    itu 180kb/s ato 180KB/s ya???

    yang satu bit yang satu byte... b=bit, B=Byte.
    8 bit = 1 Byte...
    apa sih ga penting....

    cepet sembuh ya...

  4. @christoper: i'm fine now
    @nduz: duh g penting dan ak y g paham. pokoke cuepet hahahaha


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