little bit about a mom

"If I Could"
performed by Celine Dion

If I could
I'd protect you from the sadness in your eyes
Give you courage in a world of compromise
Yes, I would

If I could
I would teach you all the things I've never learned
And I'd help you cross the bridges that I've burned
Yes, I would

If I could
I would try to shield your innocence from time
But the part of life I gave you isn't mine
I've watched you grow
So I could let you go

If I could
I would help you make it through the hungry years
But I know that I can never cry your tears
But I would
If I could

If I live
In a time and place where you don't want to be
You don't have to walk along this road with me
My yesterday
Won't have to be your way

If I knew
I'd have tried to change the world I brought to you to
And there isn't very much that I can do
But I would
If I could...
Oh baby... mummy wants to protect you
And help my baby through the hungry years
It's part of me
And if you ever... ever need
Sad shoulder to cry on
I'm just someone to talk to
I'll be there... I'll be there
I didn't change your world
But I would
If I Could!

Note: Baru-baru ini aku banyak berpikir (based on may lately experience) tentang kecenderungan seorang ibu, yang selalu melindungi anaknya, bahkan kadang-kadang sampe berlebihan. Buat aku, it's ok lah seorang anak sesekali merasa 'sakit', ato 'terjatuh', selama mereka bisa belajar banyak dari situ. Tapi terkadang seorang ibu itu bener-bener ga pengen terjadi hal-hal yang ga enak terhadap anaknya. WEll, pertama aku mikir.... 'berlebihan banget sih ibu ini...' Sampe akhirnya aku dengar lagu ini dari DVD Concert Celine Dion. Sebelum melantunkan lagu ini Celine emang bilang akan mempersembahkan lagu ini untuk seluruh orang tua di dunia.

Hmmm.... dari lagu ini emagn lebih ngerti sih.. se-gimananya ikatan seorang ibu terhadap anaknya.. Ya..mungkin karena aku blum merasakan jadi seorang ibu ya, makanya juga g terlalu 'ngeh' gimana perasaan seorang ibu.

Well, mommy's protection is so natural, but i still agree, that sometimes, letting a son or daughter to experience bad things is ok. Just make sure that he or she is still in our area.

So... please remind me for not being over-protection mommy, bloggie!


  1. Len, blm ada postingan baru yah?
    Sibuk kul ya?
    Hiks, saya juga blm smpt nambah postingan

  2. iyaa....

    aku dw bosen ngeliatin postingan ku
    dah ada ide...

    tp g sempet mlulu jes....

  3. bisa Len, makae kamu ganti settingnya ke anonymous trus tinggal di copy-paste aja


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