the V and the G.

V & G comes from
The Vision and the Goal.
or you may call it the Valen and the Gank. :p

I always love to collect good quote that'll encourage me day by day.
I keep them in my phone, notes, and sometimes write in a post-it and stick in my beddie's wall.
Same with goals and dreams, that i often share in this LLL.
And that comes to an idea. Why shouldn't i post it on my wall. To remind me day by day, each time i wake up, each time i go to bed, each time i spend my day at my room. :D
I'm not an advanced designer. My style is always about scrapbooks, while since pre school I also not good (really) in handmade stuff. But then i find, photoshops helps me good enough. :D
Cool quotes + Photoshops + post it + marker + paper pin + styrofoam board, well those all i need.
So, here it is. The V&G Board.

The left side is "V" side, the long-term vision.
The right side is "G" side, the short-term goal.
and the center one is randomly quotes :D.

DREAM Unlimited, LEARN the Unexpected, ACT Unconditionally
