2011: Dare to Dream, Learn, and Act!

It's been 13 days in this 2011 and I think I don't even write any posting about this year's goal or resolution.
Well, i've been passing a very wonderful 2010. Definitely a people-person's year with lots of surprise,which i can't imagine and describe before. Lots of reasons behind those surprises, including the revealed and the hidden one. The clear way, the next barrier, the next problem -surely will be the next level of problem-, which means, I've passed the previous level. :)
Thank you for the cool-unpredictable 2010.

Welcome 2011.

Still and always dare to
Dream unlimited.
Learn the unexpected
and Act unconditionally.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. Hehehe...akhirnya kluar juga tema 2011 nya....aku ya agak telat ngluarin di blog nggak kayak taun lalu...

    Tema yang simpel kayak yang kita bikin bakal membanyu banget untuk nggak kehilangan fokus di sepanjang tahun....


  2. haha iya.. 3 kata itu udah cukup berkesan pada akhir 2010 kemarin. :) akhirnya direalisasikan juga deh taun ini. sip! fokus jalani target2 n goal taun ini deh moviepos!


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