If Liking you

If Liking you is my learning process to be patient,
I'll be

If Liking you is my learning process to start arranging my future in details,
I'll start

If Liking you is my learning process to know how much i love my parents better
I'll know

If Liking you is my learning process to test where do my heart and mind will be
I'll test

If Liking you is my learning process to trust God instead of any suggestion in the whole world
I'll trust

If Liking you is my learning process to release all the future ahead in God's best Hand
I'll release

If Liking you is my learning process to surrender in the road of surprise
I'll surrender

If Liking you is maybe the first best moment I've ever felt before
I'll thank

*Maybe you don't know this post, this feeling, or these -many- thoughts.
And maybe i still don't know where this will end.
But as i've said before.
Thanks for coming into my life and makes me learn new things about future, family, life, and love?

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. i prefer "licking" than "liking"
    coba ubah deh..
    pasti lebih keren dan amazing!

  2. masya oloh sannn.... -.-
    pancet ae kowe.. ahahaha

  3. san2 iku emang ga ada matinya! Porno tingkat AKUT!
    Btw, dek San2 kok blogmu tak bisa kuberi komen yah? Dan begitu aku buka post yang aku mau, langsung tulisannya "this user does not exist" hwayoo..


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