the Bus' Interlude

 Life is like a moving bus.
We, people, are the passengers.
The bus stop, are the drag&drop point, 
between us and others.
He, the creator, is the driver.

People's meeting
Can you divine that?
no aim, no tendence.
Maybe it's just an interlude.
Just, a beautiful part in life
another stop that we'll see
and pass anyway.

We fall, we give,
never aim to take back
It's what comes
from the deepest of our heart
well, our mind, followed, too.

People, human.
we're just nobody.
Maybe we know our destination.
But not the exact road to bring us there.

This bus is keep going forward.
So do us.
If we pass that stop, again.
Maybe, we just, looking around
from the window.
 "Oh, I've been there, and meet someone, from there."

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
