The Inspiring LLL's Blog (Banner)

Actually, i'm not a designer.
I mean, i don't create a visual idea, i'm not good at creating in a visual mode.
Usually, in designing something, i do browse, being inspired, then design the similar style.. :p

And this is what i am doing while designing a banner for music clinic in my church...
Have no inspiration, and finally.. inspired by my own blog-banner! XD
desk mess of music's stuffs!!!
All Credits for this template designer!
Btw, this banner is just used for private event, not commercial. :)
Find the similarity? :DDD

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. Bis gini kalo aku ga sempet ngerjain design order, aku minta tolong kamu ya? :D

  2. told u again, i'm not a designer...
    i'm just designing (is this copy-ing?) by examples... :PP

  3. haha...
    wah kaderisasi dah mulai yha?
    brp org peserta or calon pemuji baru nya?

  4. uda mulai rabu kemaren joo!!
    yg daftar 30an, yg g ketrima cm 10% an kok! :DDD
    singernya handal2 jo!!!!


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