This Mess

I'm not a kind of neat creature..
I'm okay with mess...
Or let's say, I enjoy being around mess stuffs...
as long as they don't disturb me..

But, after this...
do i have to clean up
this 'mess'?

for how long?
and how mess is it, actually?
Because from what i know,
'this mess', is not the same
i used to enjoy~

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. this mess has a name, sis :) CHALLENGE and CARE/ LOVE

  2. thanks bee!
    I think have to get usual with this mess...

    to learn, to exercise, to be stronger than before, and to whatever good things lahh

  3. Hahaha...ini dia nih post setelah selesai dari medan pertempuran bernama deadline dan denger2 skripsi...

    tapi Image nya kurang mess :D


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