I don't want to say anything

I lost word
I lost mind

I mean I don't wanna talk
I don't wanna think

Because no matter what hapenned good I'm doing
or the better i'm doing
even the best I've maybe done
I was wrong

I have much good argument
Strong enough maybe
But i don't want to make that
Coz' I wanna know directly
Are they thinking and try to understand
more about me
even when there's no reason
from me?

I know I'm probably wrong
I know I'm not perfectly right
I know I probably cause a trouble
I know I'm not supposed to speak whateva excuse
I know
I know

And those make me
and just this

I don't want to measure what 'good' I've done
what sacrifice I've made
how many people I've thought and cared about
I'm doing and being all
not for an acceptance
or flowery appreciation

how can i still wrong
when i think i've done good
in a right way

But thanks I've got this cold
So it is ordinary
to snot among people
and to have these watery eyes

Coz i'm absolutely
lost word
of these

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
----> and this closing quote....
i don't know what more to say .....


  1. just let it be, dont wish for understanding for others. how could someone understand you when in fact, many people dont even understand themself?

    stay on your own track!
    cheer up :)

  2. hei Len...what's going on?
    wanna share something?

  3. @all: hey guys... thx 4 caring! i'm back now. back to myself. with different 'heart.' I'm ready to face whatever those things now. again, thx!

  4. sometimes it's better to stay calm and quiet, not saying anything:)

  5. completely dont know this post is exist..I saw Father's Love Letter yesterday and dont see this..that's good, u've passed it len =)

  6. i made 3 post in a row JAK. the 2 miserable posts and the FLL. ^^ maybe no image make those look just like one post.. hahahah....


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