The New Blog Name

Here's my new blog name.
I change it from
'The Deadliners'
'Long Life Learner.'

Life learner. I've been loving this sentence since a year ago, maybe. Adding a word 'long', I agree that life is fullfilled with lesson, in each of its moments.
Basically, i still work with deadlines, i still love them. Recently, I found that deadlining is part of my life lesson.
So i think its better to put that new name, the conclusion of my life view.
Also, Followed with the refresh philosophy of life. :)

Let's learning life!

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


  1. Long Life Learner Kal disingkat jadi "Triple L"

    Btw, nama sudah diganti, skarang waktunya masukin Chatbox,,,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. udah kok chat box nya... iya triple L.. emang taksengaja gitu.. tapi kalo ditulis L3 ato LLL kok norak ya.. hahaha

  4. i like this blog's current name, cia :) we're all life-long learners

  5. long-life-learners miss... bukan life-long-learners... hahahaha... thankss


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