Brothers & Sisters : The Family Bond

Humm.. Akhir-akhir ini lagi seneng blogging. Lebih tepatnya, akhir-akhir ini jadi sering menuangkan hal-hal yang memang sudah lama ingin diutarakan tapi ga pernah jadi. Makanya, menurutku banyak pemikiran2 yang udah agak telat dipublish, tapi ya maih belum kadaluwarsa lah..

One of them is about family bond. Specially akhir bulan Juni kemaren, saya melewati beberapa hari liburan dengan nonton serial Brothers & Sisters. Awalnya saya cuma pengen nonton karena ada Calista Flockhart nya, tapi judulnya juga seru sih. Rasanya saya belum pernah nonton serial yang betul-betul fokus menceritakan tentang keluarga. Jadilah saya *merampok DivX nya Jessica tun... ^^ 3 season ready deh...

Lots of Proximity
Yang bikin saya jadi sukaaakk banget sama film ini, karena banyak kemiripan dalam penokohan dan latar belakang ceritanya, sehingga semakin meruntuhkan objektivitas saya dalam memberikan penilaian: GREAT TV SERIES! Here's some of the similarity and proximity between The Walkers (keluarga di serial bro & sis) and The Leonatas (my family):

the Walkers

The Leonatas

- The Walkers have Ojai Food Family Company
THe Leonatas have Kapitan Food Family Company too
- The Walkers is a big family, with 5 kids
Well, The Leonatas is also a big family, though just 4 kids...
- The Walkers really love family gathering, having dinner together with the big fam
So do The Leonatas... :D
- The Walkers is having Jewish blood and The Leonatas are original Hakka person. And these two kind families really keep strongly the culture and the tradition.
- The eldest sister and brother from the Walkers continue leading the family company
The Leonatas choose the son, and because there are two. They now run the company together

* And me, myself, i found lots of character and circumstances similarity between Sarah and Kitty. Sarah, who being working mother and involved in the family company. And Kitty, the one who do the media stuff: radio, tv broadcast, writing books, and communication director.
I think i sort of mix between Sarah and Kitty. I study, i learn, and i love doing stuff like Kitty do. And somewhere i know, i feel like having responsibility to do waht Sarah do. Sometimes i could be so helpful Sarah, and also debateful such Kitty.

Maybe the major difference between the Walkers and the Leonatas is because of our basic culture. They are Western, and we are Eastern, which gives a lot of difference principal thought, specially about love life (lets say personal life). At least, we don't do gossiping each other (mother to son, brother to sister, daughter to mother, etc...)about this topic. Or maybe if we do, we do those more private. (*I guess) But except of that topic, my family, i mean the Leonatas do the same noisy and intervence, too.

Family Bonding
So you know why i really love watching this serial. It's like, in lots of scene, they feel what we feel, they just like us. Also, this serial bring me to realize how lucky i am, being part of this noisy crazy big yet solid family. Well, somehow i also understand, the weakness of this bond. When we at that 'weak position', sometimes we thank our big family who ready to support us. But sometimes we also feel disturbed with their way of intervence... Also, if we are in the 'good position', and some of the family member looks like need a help, it's not that easy to bring help. Sometimes, the word: 'helping' become a really weight burden, specially when it seems like a responsible, 'because we are a family with strong bond, because this is our anchestor used to do, because no matter what we as a big family must united as one.'

For me, myself, i really appreciate, and thankful for those principles. None of that are wrong, i guess. Yes, family bond is cool, is good. And that keeps me feel terrible when i don't want involved a lot in that familly 'helping' stuff. It's not that i don't want help the one who need help, but somehow (again) i found that was too much. That too much help just can bring more damage. The one who is always helped now and *like forever later just being that kind of creature, who doesn't grow up, who doesn't know how to slove problem, who doesn't know how to learn from mistake. And yes, it's because, all the time he or she or they had problem, we as a big strong family, always 'help' him or her or them, as i subjectively conclude: TOO MUCH.

To be united
For sure, i really don't know the limitation of help. Which is too much, which is needed, which makes better, which makes worse. Couple times ago, each time i think about this stuff, my basic is: i just want to help. But now, i don't think so. Is what i do is right? Now i think more about limit. About the family bonding in modern way maybe. Grouping is good. United is good. But is united really defined as being together everywhere forever no matter what we've been through? (Yea, in this case I'm not talking or offensing about marriage couple who do that promise) I don't know, recently, i have a new thought, that united is not about 'grouping' always. Separated ways can be other solution for keep united? I guess, it depends on the 'limit.'

And All You Can Do Is Keep Breathing...


  1. That's amazing when i read this...there's a serial that represents ur!!

    refer to ur last paragraph, i think this is the most thing that annoy u lately...feel that u did too much..but for sure, there's a reason why you are placed in ur family...u have ur limit but ur GOD don't.

    Keep on close to HIM, semangatttt!!

  2. yea.. i do feel surprised while watching this serial.. that touch of proximity is really cool anyway.. ^^
    thanks for ur support vin, recently i do feel hardly about that kind 'too much' of this family bond. and still keep on searching what suits us best.


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